Two of our learners, Lwando Ntinkinca, Grade 12, and Unati Mtolo, Grade 11, submitted entries to the poetry section of this prestigious competition.

We are extremely proud to announce that Lwando Ntinkinca‘s entry achieved a “Highly Commended” position as a close runner up to the top three positions. He has been invited to an ‘Awards Ceremony’ on the 21 September where he will be given the opportunity to personally deliver his poem to a selected audience.

Congratulations, Lwando, on your commitment to your passion – writing and performing poetry – and we at Open Air School wish you every success in creating further works of art and in developing and sharing your talent.

The Poem follows:



My surroundings say I’m loving – a caring man

The tables turned when they saw my hatred towards this woman

I hate her for she is the source of division between families

I hate her for she is the transformer- able to turn friends into enemies

Her beauty with lifeless promises has attracted, exploited

and transformed weak religious leader to entrepreneurs

Who are afterwards labelled hypocrites

I hate this woman


Her way seems right to men though at the end of it is death.

She’s a flower yet a serpent underneath.

Shakespeare had the right of it

She’s an equivocator deceiving not only men, but also the man above them

Our country has become a ship without a captain

A captain who followed her

Enticed, lured, captivated, obsessed.

I hate her with a passion.


I hate her especially when she boastfully tells me

‘You can act aloof towards me

Gossip with your pen and paper about me

The truth remains, you, you humans, need me

She’s right

My brothers and sisters have given their souls to the kingdom of darkness

just to make friends with her

They believe the world is in their palm when with her

Most regret this relationship as she’s the end

Of the bond through murder

Her birth is a mystery, born without conscience


She grows in strength

harbinger of crime in society

a long-term relationship with her

The irony is when one finds crime within the Dream

I’m glad I’m not the only hater

Due to what my sensible ears have discovered

The society has my feelings it describes her as the root of all evil

Her real name is money


 By: Lwando Ntinkinca

Gr 12 – Open Air School