Good Luck to the class of 2015

Good Luck to the class of 2015

The time has come for the Class of 2015 to sit for their English examination- for many, the first paper in their final examination. We salute them and send out our best wishes to the leaders of tomorrow. With hard work and perseverance you can and you will. Good luck!...
High School Prize Giving 2015

High School Prize Giving 2015

Open Air School held its annual High School Prize Giving Ceremony on Friday the 16th of October 2015. The event was a spectacular success with many learners being awarded for both academic and sporting achievements over the past year. Open Air school would like to...
Major Sporting Achievements – 2015

Major Sporting Achievements – 2015

Congratulations go to Sthabile Mnyandu in Grade 11 who was selected to represent South Africa in the Table Tennis Championships in Morocco from 5-11 October. Sthabile was one of eight students in South Africa who were selected. We are very proud of her and wish her...